The Children's

Creation Club

Children's Creation Club is a continuously evolving collection digital of courses for creative children. Our sole focus is to inspire, nurture and aid in the development of our students' creativity through exciting examples, consistent encouragement and the use of user-friendly digital tools.

The courses are created and taught by Michael Rose, a developer and mentor with more than seven years of expercience teaching design, coding and digital media to kids.

Currently we are only taking years 3 - 6 at Cottesloe and Yangebup Primary Schools.

This course is currently being redesigned and should be avaible again later this year.

This class is made for students with a creative flare. They will work in pairs to build their very own adventure game!

While the class holds a strong focus on digital drawing, it is aimed at giving students the best opportunity to experiment with and develop foundational skills in; digital vector art, animation, interactive story writing, world building, puzzle design and music production.

The course will use a combination of Scratch; an online block-coding environment designed by MIT, and programs developed by Mr. Rose.

Students will learn to create vector drawings using step-by-step animated tutorials, from the basic reshaping tools to complex multilayer objects and image tracing.

The drawings will then be copied over to a map building program where they will be able to construct a small town or area of their own design.

This program includes a speech editor that will allow the students to create interactions between their player and other characters or objects.

Students will then be able to create their own puzzles and storyline with basic retrieval quests using a built-in key and gate system.

Lastly, students will be given the opportunity to write a song for their game. They will first listen to various combinations of instruments and scales to find one that suits their theme.

Students can then write a tune using their selected scale and instrument as well as add in a supporting instrument and a drum track.

Once completed, the game will be posted to the showcase page, here on, for the creators and other students to play!


Years 3 - 6


Weeks 2 - 10




Wednesdays until 4:45pm


Tuesdays until 4:30pm

This class is for students who love maths, science and computers! It aims to give students a relaxed environment to learn to how to code. Using video tutorials created by Mr. Rose, students will be free to learn at their own pace.

The course will use Scratch, an online block-coding environment designed by MIT.

New This Term!


Level 6

Focus: Open world, arrays, intermediate data manipulation

Escape the islands by growing trees and crafting items!

Invasion Defence

Level 3

Focus: Intermediate clone control, gravity, animation

Defend your city from an Alien Invasion!

Main Course

Starting with a simple coordinates game, students will learn how computers handle on-screen positions of objects and characters.

They will then apply this knowledge to construct basic movement controls for a game.

Students will then be guided through the logic used for creating a game. Learning about functions, triggers, loops, conditionals, variables, sensors and more.

They will work their way up to an advanced game with score, lives, weapons, physics, powerups ands more!

The courses use prepackaged bundles created by Mr. Rose. All of the required graphics, sound effects and music come included.

Please note that this game will be created in several different levels. While not all students' games will contain the functionality displayed above, every student will have a complete game by the end of the term.

Additional Games

Cookie Clicker

Level 2

Focus: Learning how to use variables.

Egg Boxing

Level 4

Focus: Improving understanding of the logical processing that makes up game actions.

Spaceship Shootout

Level 5

Focus: UI control and applying advanced mathematics and physics calculations.

Pizza Chef

Level 5

Focus: Data manipulation and sharing across game objects.


Years 3 - 6


Weeks 2 - 10




Thursdays until 4:45pm

The class for all lovers of music and sound!

Using Ableton Live, an industry standard for digital music production with hundreds of different drums and instruments, students will have everything they need for the exciting opportunity of producing their own unique track!

This term students will have access to launchpads so that they may experiment with playing and recording different beats and melodies!

Starting with some simple drum tracks, students will learn the basics of rhythm and how to implement it in a song.

Students will then learn the basics of music theory and chord progressions. This will be the basis of their song and will be used to help them write a bassline and lead.

They will then be provided with methods for mixing and mastering, to get the most from their instruments, before arranging it into a full track.

While prior music experience will certainly benifit our students, it is not a requirement for this class.

Check out the amazing tracks students have already made in this class on the music page!